Gene Ontology

biological_process=>GO:0008150 ( 3436 genes)
    metabolic process=>GO:0008152 ( 1525 genes)
go to the parent GO           macromolecule metabolic process => GO:0043170 ( 966 genes)
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(/ 7977)
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cellular macromolecule metabolic process GO:0044260 675 (8.46 %)
protein metabolic process GO:0019538 674 (8.45 %)
biopolymer metabolic process GO:0043283 522 (6.54 %)
carbohydrate metabolic process GO:0005975 183 (2.29 %)
macromolecule biosynthetic process GO:0009059 135 (1.69 %)
macromolecule catabolic process GO:0009057 73 (0.92 %)
macromolecular complex assembly GO:0065003 21 (0.26 %)